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Av Hannah - 2 februari 2010 10:02

Hi everyone

I just watched a so sad movie, its called "Gracie's choice"

Its about a single mom and her kids who is always on the run from cops because the mom is a drug addict, she always has a new boyfriend wich isen't a really good influence on her and her kids because they also are criminals ore abusers.

So the mother has five kids, Grecie is the oldest and the main character. She is the one that acts like the mom and takes care of everyone. I really started to care for her as a character. And then there is gracie's younger sister, im guessing she's like 16 or somthin. and there is also the younger boys maby one ore two years apart.

So in the beginning of the film the family is getting caught by the police because the live in a big house with other drug dealers and criminals. But they manage to escape by persuading them that they had nothing to do with it. And thats how it starts!

I seriossly felt bad in my heart for these kids!

And then, as the movie goes on Gracie steps up to the plate and helps her brothers! SHE IS AMAIZING AND THE MOVIE IS AMAIZING!!!!

Watch it here!

xoxo ME

Av Hannah - 2 februari 2010 09:33

I'm going to lenk another girls blog that I've bin totally engached in!

It is so inresting and my tip is to read from the very beginning! <3 

xoxo ME

Av Hannah - 2 februari 2010 09:23

Hi everyone

So today Im at home (not in school)

I'm not sick, i just don't have enough energy to go. Lets just say my mom was really pissed off ore att least annoied, but I don't know what to do about it. And I don't know why I'm feeling like this. My mum always uses that time weel to say that I don't go to bed early enough. wich I belive can be partually true but not the entire problem!

So anyways I can't wait for saturday. Im going to the gym wit my bf! I know It will be a blast. I really love him, but since this blog is anonomus I can't tell him about it. Wich is nagging my mind a bit... but I guess you could say that it's my personal diery.

Latly my fingers have bin ichyng to wrie to you guys! And I'm getting really into It. I just something a bit more intressting happens so I can talk to you about it! ^^

OK take care! lost of love! <3

xoxo ME

Av Hannah - 31 januari 2010 13:45

OK, so now I have a bit more time.

even though I should be studdying... Just don't have the energy.

but I can't ignore you guys right? ;)

so, I was just looking at the old stuff I wrote. haha that was a really long time ago! REALLY LONG TIME AGO!   

I think I will start with saying that I love by boyfriend, but it feels like sometimes I just don't have the energy to care about anyone (including myself)

But that is deffinetly something I have to work on, because it's not a good quality...

I can tell you what we did that weekend ^^

I took the bus after school to my boyfriends house. where we spent some time doin nothing. Then after dinner we went to meet up a friend, and then the other ppl came. we had loads of fun! And I whould do It again in a heartbeat. :P

After a while we decided to take a walk, let me remind you that it was friday night in a big party area. So we met some friends to my boyfriend, and let me tell you... they were SO wasted! the coulden't stand straight. A bit funny to watch :P (but sad as well)

And after a while the sort of stumbled away into the woods, and we went the other direction, not knowing what to think. But as we walked, more and more drunk teenagers we met. Not knowing were they were coming from. (haha hope I'm not totally booring you out) anyways utill we came like three blocks away from his house were there was a party. but I don't know if I even can say party! It was more like the capital of drunktown. And a close friend to my bf was the mayor of that town.

So after we got home. we called the police (belive me It was a strong descussion whether we whould or not because we had freiends there... and "you don't wanna cal out your freinds" and so on) but after a while we did. And we swore not to tell anyone but you guys don't know who I am so I guess it's ok. We haven't heard what happened since...

Like I said, I hope I didn't boore you out of your mind.

But if you reed this I guess you hung in there! :D

lots of love! <3 xoxo ME

Av Hannah - 31 januari 2010 12:50

Hi everyone! so I guess I should start out by saying that the get together was gr8. My bf and I have bin together for two months now! :D

I've dyied my hair so I'm blonde now ^^

I'll write more l8ter today see ya <3 xoxo

Av Hannah - 21 januari 2010 14:51

Ok I think tomarrow will be gr8!

Im going to my boyfriends house for a get together
with some friends. Wii- Here we come!!! <3

Av Hannah - 21 januari 2010 11:16

So sry as usual...

haven't updated for such a long time!!! and a lot have happened!

so, lets see the last time I wrote the new kittens were being born, they are now all grown up and most of em have found new homes. there were 5 in the first litter, and 7 in the next one! (from two different moms) Very intressting coulers this time. If you haven't seen the mother cats, they are white and brown. so we were very suprised when there came three beige kittens! so cute and unusual so were kept one =) and the rest foud wonderful new famelies and homes.

so on to the next subject ^^ I went to a camp were we all met again (all of us in church) including teenagers that are older and were confirmed like a year ore two befor us =) it was really fun, even though I didn't know very many of em.  It was SO fun! I can't wait for next years camp ^^

So anyways, I met this really cute guy ;) we started talking, and we had really fun together... guess what! we are now boyfriend and girlfriend! ^^ <3 and it will soon be two months. I love him!

So that was the good news =) here comes some bad: the week before christmas was Really hard. I was really depressed. my mom found out, and that was really hard, but I'm better now. still don't like talking about it though. just wished everyone could forget it (know that whon't happen though). So just keep fightin!

Im going to try and keep up and blog some more here ^^ (TRY) :)

Hope yall are well and see you soon hopefully <3


Av Hannah - 14 september 2009 21:56

I have a big anouncment The NEW kittens are being

born right NOW!!!! 3 ov em are here and everyone is still not here!!

I'll be gettin back to yall



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